Don Kennedy [stamped, MAR 25 1981] HEI I'll certainly keep an eye open for the people you're seeking. We (and I mean Rockefeller and Stanford) need to do much better than we have to educate and inspire the cross-disciplinarians urgently needed. I can more readily suggest some names for the Committees than for the scientific staff. Leaving aside the most obvious visibles you might consider: Gil Omenn Bill Lawrance Mike Mehlman (Mobil and Editor of J. Env. Path. and Tox. One of the savviest people in the game. His list of editorial advisees [?] is a checklist!) Chris Walsh -- MIT Dick Wilson -- Harvard [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] HEI/Scientific Staff I'll send a few cv's. Good luck -- You'll need it! (But it pays to advertise.) Yours, Joshua.