i hak fe yuMay, af, The No ) 6{ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY " University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 Se October 24, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Robert Ebert President Milbank Memorial Fund 1 Bast 75th Street New York, New York 10021 Dear Bob: Pursuant to our phone conversation, I am enclosing the letter that I received early last summer from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. I have dis- cussed the idea of a commission on the IND/NDA with a number of people and have had substantial encouragement that it would be timely and useful for an independent, academically based assessment to be mounted. I would be very grateful to you for your good of- fices in organizing a meeting of the principle academic- medical leadership in the metropolitan area for a discus- sion of these proposals. If this group were to reach a consensus that the commission was a desirable option, I would ask it to function as a steering committee for the designation of the commission leadership and to offer some help with respect to its staffing and guidelines. It seemed to me that would be an excellent way to ensure both the in- tegrity and the credibility of the inquiry. May I mention that I have discussed this in particular with Kenneth Melmon and that his enthusiasm for our proceed- ing with this was most encouraging. I would hope to engage him, if we do proceed, later on at least as a consultant for guidance to the group. Enclosed for the information of our colleagues is the communication from PMA. I do stress that the particular time constraints that were placed on the study are understood to be totally unrealistic and should be disregarded. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg