“ Chairman of the Association William W. Scranton Chairman, Board of Governors Robert S. Benjamin Co-Chairman, Orion Pictures Company Chairman Emeritus James S. McDonnell Chairman, McDonnell Douglas Corporation Vice Chairmen Patricia K. Di Giorgio San Francisco Chapter, UNA John E. Leslie Chairman of the Policy Committee Bache Group Inc. Leo Nevas Partner, Nevas, Nevas & Rubin Jean Picker Interchange Foundation Robert V. Roosa Partner, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Secretary Estelle Linzer Vice President Southern N.Y. State Division, UNA Treasurer Harry W. Knight Chairman, Hillsboro Associates, Inc. Chairman, UNA Special Funding Program John C. Bierwirth Chairman, Grumman Corporation Governors Morris 8B. Abram Partner Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison R. Manning Brown, Jr. Chairman, N.Y. Life Insurance Company Kenneth R. Burroughs President Burroughs and Tischier Corporation Jacob Clayman President Industrial Union Department, AFL-CIO William T. Coleman, Jr. Partner, O'Melveny & Myers Gaylord Freeman Honorary Chairman First National Bank of Chicago Amold Goodman Chairman, Council of Chapter and Division Presidents, UNA Dr. Armand Hammer Chairman Occidental Petroleum Corporation Walter E. Hanson Chairman Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Ruth J. Hinerfeld President, League of Women Voters Xx Clarice Kaufman Attorney Vice President, Pacific Chapter, UNA Philip Klutznick Klutznick Investments Edward Lamb President, Lamb Enterprises, Inc. L.F. McCollum Chairman Emeritus Mercantile Texas Corporation Potter McKeever Vice President, JDR 3rd Fund Carmel Carrington Marr Commissioner N.Y. State Public Service Commission William S. Renchard Ghairman, Directors’ Advisory Committee Chemical Bank William Ruder President, Ruder & Finn, Inc. Richard J. Schmeelk General Partner, Salomon Brothers Joseph M. Segel Chairman, Presidential Airways O. Pendleton Thomas Chairman, The B.F. Goodrich Company Margaret B, Young Chairman Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Foundation Vice President, Program Planning and National Organizations Peggy Sanford Carlin Vice President, Policy Studies Arthur R. Day Vice President, Chapter, Division and Field Activities Joe Byrns Sills Vice President, Financia! Development and Administration Richard B. Wiener Assistant Treasurer and Controller Louis]. Provenzale AEE 136 / . + . United Nations Association of the United States of America od 300 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 1OO17 ¢ if Cable: UNASAMER 212: 697-3232 WY National Chairman, UN Day 1979 (By appointment of the President of the U.S.A.) O. Pendleton Thomas Chairman, The B.F. Goodrich Company Honorary Co-Chairmen Arthur J. Goldberg Henry Cabot Lodge President Charles W. Yost Robert M. Ratner 3 iin od 1070 é (AUG 24 1979 é eee og THE pats Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021] Dear Dr. Lederberg: The United Nations Association was recently requested by the White House to suggest people who might serve as members of the Council on International Scientific and Technological Cooperation that is being organized to serve in an advisory capacity to the newly established Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation. | thought you should know that we have included your name on the list we submitted In response. The Advisory Committee on Science, Technology and Development, which is setting up these new organizations, seems to be looking particularly for people with experience in fields of science and development. | worked with you a number of years ago when | was Jim Leonard's Deputy on the U.S. Delegation to the Disarmament Negotiations in Geneva, and remembering how broad your interests were | thought you would be an excellent candidate even though you may not have had extensive experience in development. | have no idea, of course, what use the White House will make of the names we have submitted, but | hope our having suggested you is acceptable to you. | am now running a policy studies program for the UN Association. 1! hope to involve you in one or another of our projects before too long. Rodney Nichols has been extremely helpful to us and is now participating in a project concerning the United Nations. With best wishes, ARD:mo