THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON May 16, 1972 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am most pleased to enclose a copy of the President's Message on Science and Technology which he recently transmitted to the Congress. As you know, this is the first Message of its kind ever to be sent by a President, and I believe it represents a significant step forward for science and technology. Many of the insights and judgments that the scientific and engineering communities have developed over the years are included in the President's Message and therefore have been adopted as a national policy. I am especially grateful to you and your colleagues who took the time and trouble to meet with me for discussion in the formative stage of the Message, and I very much hope that you will find in it a response to some of your hopes and concerns. I hope, too, that we can continue to count on you in the future for advice and assistance as we seek response to the President's call for "a strong new effort to marshal science and technology in the work of strengthening our economy and improving the quality of our life." I would be happy to have your continuing comments and suggestions. Cordially, Flewael E? Epc J Edward E. David, Jr Science Adviser WAY 23 ie (ind (f) 2