ae CH 40 Ky Be 525 EAST 68th STREET. NEW YORK. NY. 10021 THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL-CORNELL MEDICAL CENTER a DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE TWM NOV 4 1986 November 4, 1986 Ansoeced Reatnd | Oe See Mr. Thomas W. Moloney Senior Vice President The Commonwealth Fund 1 East 75th Street New York, NY 10021 Dear Tom: I am enclosing the formal proposal for the special conference we have been discussing during these past several months (the first mention was in April!) You have had copies of all the prior notes from Dan Koshland, and this proposal includes all his suggestions. Please let me know as soqn as it is feasible for you whether I should have Dan Koshland proceed in inviting the panelists. If the conference is be held in 1987, we will need to proceed apace. Next year would be particularly appropriate because it marks not only the 100th‘ anniversary of the N.I.H., but the 200th anniversary of the American Constitution, a document that was necessary for all of what has happened subsequently both in the private as well as the public sector. . Sin ely f A Morton D. Bogdonoff, M.D. MDB/mak cc: Miss Margaret Mahoney Dr. Daniel Koshland