Richard Gelderd [stamped, AUG 15 1979] Collegiate Review Thank you for the invitation. If I can may have till end-November, I would like to offer a piece on "Learning more and more about less and less?" This would concern the disaster of overspecialized education (and thinking) in our colleges and universities. It would not be a replay of "Two Cultures" but show what is happening even within the sciences through disciplinary fragmentation. If the deadline must be sooner, I suggest submitting a revision of "The new literacy" (enclosed) oriented to the appropriate audience. (over) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Finally, if there is still more time (late Spring 1980), I will have been collecting material for a piece on "The 'War' on Cancer," which will attempt a realistic appraisal of our strategies and goals for responding to this challenge. This contribution would have the advantage of being closest to my canonical expertise. Let me know your pleasure! Yours, Joshua.