241 WEST 77TH STREET NEW YORK. N.Y. 10024 July 19, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Box 115 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg; Enclosed you will find an editorial statement describing the beginnings of a new publication to be called The Collegiate Review. The first issue is planned for December of 1979 and our hope is that you will submit an article for that issue. As I worked toward my doctorate at Stanford between 1968 and 1971, I was aware of the contributions you were making in science and public affairs. Your clear and dramatic articulations of the moral issues in that turbulent time was an inspiration to many of us. We know that you have not lost that voice. In addition, we offer you an opportunity as a new parent in the Collegiate community to make what we know would be a significant contribution to the strength and vitality of Collegiate School. The Review is a major commitment to the principle that both strength and vitality in institutions are enhanced by effective communication. The inaugural issue will contain the address by John Oakes (referred to in the statement), an address on the arms race delivered at Collegiate by the Reverand William Sloane Coffin, Jr., and an article by Peter Davis, a parent whose award winning documentary on Vietnam, "Hearts and Minds," made a significant statement not long ago. We intend the Review to be much like the school it serves: not large or prepossessing in outward show, but a bit brash for its size and unreserved in its search for excellence. May we hear from you? For the editors, I remain Sincerely yours, Fernod Mello Richard G. Geldard Head, Upper School noc Ss: weep