Gerson Cohen JTS [stamped, APR 12 1981] Tarrytown Conference Dear Gerson -- Last Oct. 28 you were kind enough to write me about your conferences on ethics and Jewish life. It was gauche of me not to respond. I had hoped to about New Year's -- frankly undecided whether the political orientation of your first conference was one I wished to engage. Then before I could come to grips with reaching a decision I unhappily was laid low with a cervical disk problem which was quite miserable for several weeks. Fortunately, it resolved itself without need for surgery; but the loss of time and the enforced interruption of various other respon- [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] sibilities has left me with a backlog I am just now digesting. But be assured I am now quite well again. At any rate, I hope your first conference did go well; that you will forgive my lapse; and that we may continue to stay in touch personally and around the very same issues. With best wishes Joshua.