April h, 1952 : Dr. Perry ¥ilson Department of Bacteriology University of Wisconsin Xzdison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Wilsons i have received today a letter from Dr. Joshua Lederberg call- ing to my attention an oversight on my part in relation to Reference 26 in the review "Bacterial Transformation Reactions" which appeared in - the March number of Bacteriological Reviews. I was unaware that the Microbial Genetics Bulletin did uot enjoy the status of a publication and that material in it should be cited as a personal communication © from the writer and with the author's consent. Dr. Lederberc has asked that I request a correction be published in the next number of Bacteriological Reviews listing Reference 26 as a personal cemmunication. i regret greatly any embarrassment which this error on my part may have caused Dr. Lecerbery anc the inconvenience which it may occasion for you. Thank you again for your assistance in the preparation of this reviews Sincerely yours, Robert Austrian, M.D. cl