UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES ¢ RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94143 CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE February 14, 1979 f Dr. Joshua Lederburg . President oe a Rockefeller University a ee New York, NY 10021 +. - * Dear Josh: In answer to your question about the "Comroe-Dripps Report" on how the "top ten clinical advances came about", there are several ways of getting copies. First, since the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute financed oe part of the study, they agreed to make single copies available without charge Hacked to anyone who wants it and writes to the Depuey=—Deneesex,. NHUBI. Another Al [ee chic way is to write to me, but as I look at my shelf I have only about a dozen 0 copies left. I will be glad to distribute those to people who really want ° it until they are gone. The other way is by writing to the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Va., 22161. They have published our report in two parts. One contains, the written report plus the complete bibliography of the 663 key artici8é ») The GPO sells this for $8.00. The second part, which is a much thicker book (about 435 pages) contains all of the chronological tables of events for each of 130-some bodies of knowledge that were needed before the 10 clinical advances in cardiovascular pulmonary disease could become possible. The GPO charges 414.00 for this. The report is not available through any book publisher and for this reason has not been advertised except for a 2-page article that appeared in Federation Proceedings in 1977 written by Dr. Robert Ringler, who was then Deputy Director of the NHLBI (xee atlactsd| My main task at the moment (or I should say for the next 2 years) is to write a book for the general reading public with the goal of letting them know a little bit more about how discoveries actually do come about in bio- medical science. I hope that this would be finished and available in 1980 and published by one of the big publishing companies in the United States to ensure wider distribution. Juliys H. Comroe, Jr. wb mef