Crou ¥ en MARYMOUNT MANHATTAN COLLEGE 221 East SEVENTY-FIRST STREET NEw YorE, NEw YORK 10021 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 12 June 1981 Jbl! 7s Dr. Joshua Lederberg Office of the President Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear President Lederberg: In my first six months as cIcu liaison to the Council of Governing Boards (CGB), I have been impressed by the dedication and effectiveness of its Chairman, Peter K. Warren. A trustee of Elizabeth Seton College and chief executive officer of PepsiCo International, Mr. Warren has traveled throughout the state to promote independent higher education in New York. His meetings and discussions with the legislative leadership formed the foundation of our TAP campaign this year. Mr. Warren is organizing a CGB Executive Committee of a few prominent trustees to help him develop strategies and communicate independent sector needs to those who determine higher education public policies. He plans to have at least one Executive Committee member in each region to facilitate comunica- tion with boards of trustees, through the institutional trustee delegates. We all are sensitive to the amount of time our trustees devote to our own institutions. No one appreciates this more than Mr. Warren. However, the trustees who are ultimately responsible for our institutions must be Capable of a concerted response to government action or inaction. So much of what happens in Albany and Washington determines the destiny of our colleges and universities. s I am asking all campus chief executives to review their institutional trustee delegates in light of Mr. Warren's proposed changes in their responsibilities. Your trustee delegate should be a New York State resident who is committed to independent higher education and respected by your board as a leader. Please send the name of your delegate to John J.P, Howley,.executive director, Council of Governing Boards, 37 Elk Street, Albany, New York 12224. Also, please send Mr. Howley a Current roster of your board of trustees reflecting any changes made Since December, 1980. Please include with this list the name of your chairperson and the dates of your meetings for 1981-82. I remain convinced that the Council of Governing Boards is our most effective means of influencing higher education public policy. I would appreciate your comments on our progress and plans for the future. Sincerely, Colette Mahoney, R.S.H.M.