Office of the President 17 April 1981 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Office of the President Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear President Lederberg: _cIcu Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (518) 436~4781 37 Elk Street, Albany, New York 12224 RRB ELLER Ti, Vins “Gp (APR 20 1383 Of, S&S RHOE oF tye pRESEE” RY As in past years we have been auditing institutional communication with members of the State Senate and Assembly in support of our legislative program. This takes the form of reviewing copies of letters to and responses from members of both houses as well as reports from cIcu member institutions of personal meetings and telephone communications with elected officials, As of this date we have received no reports of any communication from Rockefeller University to members of the Senate and Assembly or the Governor. I hope this is just an oversight in sending us copies. If it is not, I would appreciate your personal attention to this at your earliest opportunity. While the state's budget stalemate persists, it is particularly important that we keep in front of the Governor and legislative leaders the urgency of dealing with TAP repair as part of the Executive Budget. We wrote to you about this in February and again in March. Our 1 April memorandum to you detailed the elements of additional higher education increases for the government operated sector recommended by Governor Carey, Speaker Fink and Senate Minority Leader Ohrenstein on March 31. We urgently require input from the leaders of our sector. If you have not already communicated with them on this issue, I would appreciate your sending mailgrams to Governor Carey, Senator Anderson , Speaker Fink, your local Assembly Member and State Senator. Urge that TAP repair along the lines of the LaValle Bill* be included in the State Budget so that timely notifications can be sent to students and their families for financial aid packaging purposes for the semester beginning September 1981. With your support I am confident we will be able to obtain TAP repair in time to avoid significant decline in independent sector enrollment next year. Sincerely, theneay OW, Henry D. Paley *Raise the maximum TAP award by $500, from $1,800 to $2,300. Increase TAP eligibility for the minimm award from the present $20,000 to $30,000 net taxable income. CC - SAH) @ ) i