eae: anne FEB27 1979 ~~ Office of the President 23 February 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Office of the President Rockefeller University 66th Street at York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear President Lederberg: The attached news clipping is one of scores that have been coming t to our cicu office in Albany. It is evident that many of our colleagues in the government-operated sector are attempting to assign the blame for the proposed SUNY/CUNY increase to us. This distortion of fact not only imperils our efforts to obtain needed inflationary adjustments in the Bundy formula, HEOP and TAP -- it also places in jeopardy existing levels of state Support to our sector. You will soon be receiving an Official Call to cIcu's Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 24-25 in Albany. It is imperative that our sector use this occasion to demonstrate to elected state leaders its deep concern about fiscal allocations which ignore the severe inflationary pressures faced by our campuses. The theme of our Annual Meeting in Albany is The Independent Sector as a Public Service Resource for New York State or "cIcu Loves New York." In addition to various elected officials and Regents who will be participating, the meeting will consider recommendations of the cIcu Task Force on Mission and Goals which is chaired by President Robert A. Plane of Clarkson College of Technology, my predecessor as chairman of our Trustees. This Task Force will present us with options for future activities of our Commission as well as the relationships of our sector to the University of the State of New York. WAS Annial WG $f23-as- SAWE College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York 10801 (914)632 5300 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 23 February 1979 Page 2 In view of the substantive policy considerations that the Task Force will bring before our meeting, and the need for us to impress upon decision makers in Albany our sectorwide commitment to public service, it is essential that we have a strong showing of participation by campus chief executives. I would be most appreciative if you would respond affirmatively to the Annual Meeting call when you receive it. In addition to your own participation, it would be most helpful if you could bring with you a prominent member of your board of trustees and a student leader from your campus. We have scheduled the meeting so that there will be opportunity for you to call upon elected legislators from your district as well as the leadership of the Legislature. I look forward to seeing you in Albany on April 24-25. Sincerely, Ossuthy Cg kel il Dorothy Ann Kelly, 0.S.U. Chairperson, cIcu Board of Trustees DAK/HDP: sb Attachment