4 : a e e e 9 East 40 Street Committee of Concerned Scientists, Inc. | rewvor,n-y. 10016 ; . Tel. (212) 686-8862 CO-CHAIRMEN Max E. Gottesman national Institutes of Health Mark S, Mellman Rockefeller University Executive Director VICE-CHAIRMEN ASTRONOMY May 24, 1979 Arno Penzias Bell Laboratories Holmdel, N.J. Robot Goldberger Dear Colleague: National institutes of Health Thomas Spiro The freedom of scientists is under attack today in various Comput en seme parts of the world. Despite the many successes of our organiza- Jack Minker tion and its supporters, the position of many of our colleagues SEurALenenena remains precarious. Scientists who apply to emigrate from the Robert Gerber Soviet Union or speak out in defense of human rights in that Los Angeles, Calif. ENGINEERING Irvine I. Glass Institute for Aerospace Studies University of Toronto MATHEMATICS Simon Levin Cornel! University MEDICAL SCIENCES J. Joseph Blum Duke University PHYSICS James Langer Carnegie-Melion University PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHIATRY Caro! Schapiro Downstate Medicol Center PAST NATIONAL CO-CHAIRMEN Robert S. Adelstein National Inatitutes of Health Jack Cohen National Institutes of Health Peter S. Pershan Harvard University Fred Pollak Brooklyn College Melvin Pomerantz IBM Research Center H. Eugene Stanley Boston University NATIONAL SPONSORS Christian Anfinsen National Institutes of Health Julius Axelrod National Institute of Mental Health David Baltimore Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lipman Bers Columbia University Jacob Bigeleisen SUNY, Stony Brook Felix Bloch Stanford University Raoul Bott Harvard University Owen Chamberlain University of California, Berkeley Leo Goldberg Kitt Peak National Observatory Gerhard Herzberg National Researck Council of Canada Kurt Isselbacher Massachusetts General Hospital Arthur Kornberg Stanford University Polykarp Kusch University of Texas Benjamin Lax Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stuart Rice University of Chicago Harold Scharaga Cornell University Sylvan Schweber Brandeis University Charles Townes University of California, Berkeley George Wald Harvard University Oscar Zariski Harvard University Affiliation for identification purposes only. country are dismissed from their jobs and prevented from engag- ing in normal scientific activity. In addition they suffer per- sonal harassment including arbitrary arrest and imprisonment. Similar situations exist in countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. You have expressed your concern for colleagues denied fun- damental rights in many ways. When appropriate, you have re- sponded to our urgent appeals for direct action to aid indivi- duals in great danger. In the past you have also given us fi- nancial assistance. As you know, our financial support comes exclusively from private voluntary contributions of our members and friends. Es- calating costs, however, have forced us to cut back on many of our essential projects just when they are needed most. For ex- ample, publication of our widely acclaimed newsletter Current was suspended in 1977. If the Committee is to continue and in- tensify its vital efforts, a minimum contribution of $15 is needed from all those who share our aims. We have therefore es- tablished a dues structure with $15 as the basic membership fee. This increased income will permit us to continue our work on behalf of persecuted colleagues and to resume our publication program for members. Over the past year we have led a variety of efforts. - We have continued to organize unofficial international scienti- fic meetings in the USSR. to help refusenik and dissident col- leagues keep abreast of research developments. The signifi- cance of these unique sessions cannot be overestimated. - CCS has been working closely with the Congress and the admini- stration in an attempt to insure that scientific exchange pro- grams result in a truly free interchange of people and ideas. Congressional committees have frequently turned to us to pro- vide expert guidance on these issues. - Professor Benjamin Levich, Professor Mark Azbel and countless other scientists were permitted to emigrate largely as a re- sult of efforts stimulated and coordinated by CCS. Other ยป scientists in Latin America, Asia and Africa were released from prison fol- lowing campaigns on their behalf by our Committee. ~ After last summer's trials of Shcharansky and Orlov, CCS led the scientific. community into action on behalf of these brave colleagues. - We are cosponsoring an international congress on the human rights situation in Argentina. Earlier this year we helped organize a boycott of the Inter- national Cancer Congress in Argentina and provided public relations assis- tance to the "Counter-Congress" held in Paris. - We continue to document abuses of scientific and human rights around the world. This information together with advice on aiding persecuted colleagues is provided to interested individuals and scientific societies. Despite our financial straits we have accomplished this and much more. However our ability to make further strides for the freedom of scientists de- pends upon your financial support. Much remains to be done. Please give as generously as you can. We are certain that you will be proud to be a member of the Committee of Concerned Scientists. Both membership dues and contributions are tax- deductible. Max Gottesman Mark Kac Co-Chairman Co-Chairman Please complete and return the form below.