Presbyterian Hospital of Pacific Medical Center LINDA HAWES CLEVER, M.D. CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH October 2, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Joshua: Thanks for your recent note. Hope you had a grand trip to California: I will be staying at the Warwick Hotel, Avenue of the Americas at 54th Street, the night of Oc- et eodt P00 tober 7 and would be available from early A. M. to 9:45 “Te, ; or so (will need enough time to get to the Independent CPAAN A ORE Sector Board meeting at the Equitable Building at 1285 Avenue of the Americas by 10). By our meeting, I'1l have had time to read your paper on comparative toxi- cology (thanks for sending it ... and thank goodness for long plane rides!). I look forward to seeing you BUT if your life gets too complicated,,we can meet in Washington or another time. Cordially, nd = Linda Hawes Clever, M.D., F.A.C.P. Chairman Department of Occupational Health ot pes LHC : BP P.O. BOX 7999, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120, CLAY AT BUCHANAN STREET, SAN FRANCISCO (415) 563-4321