Presbyterian Hospital of Pacific Medical Center * (SEP 26 1980 ‘ vy Ce oF tHe PRESS LINDA HAWES CLEVER, M.D. CHAT RMAN DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH September 22, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Doctor Lederberg: I'm not sure you received my letter of August 12 (see attached). If the October 8 early morning meeting doesn't fit in with your schedule, perhaps you and I could talk during the Institute of Medicine Annual Meeting the next week. (I was more than delighted to be elected during the last round. I hope I can con- tribute as much to that august organization as I will gain from it!) Cordially,, Linda Hawes Clever, M.D., F.A.C.P. Chairman Department of Occupational Health LHC :BP Enclosure P.O. BOX 7999, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120, CLAY AT BUCHANAN STREET, SAN FRANCISCO (415) 563-4321