Presbyterian Hospital of Pacific Medical Center WEFELLER yyy gov Veg & Gunazis6 * 0 < LICE oF Tye presiā€ ee LINDA HAWES CLEVER, M.D. CHAIRMAN DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH June 13, 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am flattered and fascinated by your request for in- formation about the Department of Occupational Health at Pacific Medical Center. I have enclosed a copy of our brochure and a newspaper article which may answer some of your questions. It has been a marvelous ex- perience and opportunity to pioneer---no hospital has approached problems in the workplace in a similar fash-~ ion. We have a preference for prevention and an ability to provide comprehensive services. We do everything from medical surveillance in lead battery plants to providing trauma decompression for employee victims of crime! LS I will be in Washington in July, and New York in October in case you or others would like to discuss occupational health. There are many areas which we could cover: re- search opportunities, ethics, marketing (commerce raises its ubiquitous head), services rendered, coordination, labor/management and plaintiff/defense balance. We offer the same services to our own employees that we offer to outside unions and companies. Thus, if you are interested, we can also discuss occupational health for hospital and research personnel. Thanks for asking for this information. Please let me know if I can be of any help! Cordially, Linda Hawes Clever, M.D., F.A.C.P. Chairman, Department of Occupational Health m Enclosures P.O. BOX 7999, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120, CLAY AT BUCHANAN STREET, SAN FRANCISCO (415) 563-4321