SO OREFELLER UNir; Be “), F2 & MAR 27 1980 Op a» - “SCE OF Tue pRESSS STANFORD UNIVERSITY FACULTY PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE Chairman WILLIAM A. CLEBSCH (Prof. of Religious Studies @ Humanities) Vice Chairman JAMES N. ROSSE (Prof. of Economics) Administrative Director MARGARET J. DICKSON Campus Address ROOM 33, BUILDING 200 (HISTORY CORNER) Telephone 7-9400 P.O. BOX 2349, STANFORD, CA 94305 / (415) 323-5171 March 19, 1980 President Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 60th and York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: On behalf of the Faculty Presidential Search Committee formed to advise the Trustees of Stanford University on the selection of a new president, I seek your counsel. Because of your long-standing interest in and close affiliation with Stanford, you are particularly well situated to suggest candidates for the office that Dick Lyman is leaving August 1. For you to name and evaluate strong persons whom we should consider for this position would greatly advance the work of our Committee. We particularly wish to receive the names of women and members of minority groups. The other members of the Faculty Presidential Search Committee are: Robert H. Cannon (Aeronautics and Astronautics), Robert A. Chase (Surgery), Eleanor E. Maccoby (Psychology), James N. Rosse (Economics), J. Dirk Walecka (Physics) and Arthur B. C. Walker, Jr. (Applied Physics). I need your permission to share your letter with these colleagues and with the Chairman of the Trustee Presidential Selection Committee, Mr. Robert Minge Brown. I would also like your permission to supply a summary of your letter to the two students, and the two alumni who will consult with the Faculty Committee, and to the other eight Trustees on the Selection Committee that Mr. Brown chairs. However, if you wish to restrict the confidentiality of your letter, we will certainly follow your preference. Let me thank you in advance for your help. Knowing that many demands compete for your attention, I impose this request only because my colleagues and I feel that our task is both important and urgent. Sincerely, [ect William A. Clebsch