x UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO BERKELEY ° DAVIS *« IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE , LABORATORY OF RADIOBIOLOGY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94143 Dr. Josuah Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for your reply to my letter and for offering to set aside Monday, December 8th at 4 p.m., for us to meet. Unfortunately, I will have to travel out of New York on that day on a schedule that is locked in already. I am sorry, therefore, that we will not be able to make this time slot. However, I will try to maintain some contact and look forward to an opportunity to stop by for a social and scientific conversation with you on my next visit to New York. Thank you again for your kindness in setting aside a time for me and I am very sorry that after suggesting we meet, I shall be unable to do so. . 6 E. Cleaver pfe-sor of Radiology ots —~ 11/j2/90 Arse (