UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS: SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCES COLLEGEH OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIEBENCES, URBAN A BOTANY Office of Director, 127 Burrill Hall 16 June 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Professor Lederberg: Dr. K. Cf Atwood/is being considered for a position of Professor of Microbt and Head of the Department here at the University of Illinois. He has referred us to you for a letter of recommendation to support his application. I would appreciate hearing from you and getting your fair evaluation of him at your earliest possible convenience. Sincerely yours, DT wt ne H. O. Halvorson Director, School of Life Sciences & Head, Department of Microbiology HOH/ks/ahh ‘ENTOMOLOGY - MICROBIOLOGY «+: PHYSIOLOGY « 2OOuU0DGgY see cnt bib ili a nn