He) © THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL O m Rodel oa University ‘e 1230 YORK AVENUE ° NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Os ZS ¢ 6. >> PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF . "22 May 1986 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University Dear Josh: The members of the Hospital Search Committee, subsequent to their recent meeting with you, wish to re-affirm their unanimous recommendation that Dr. Ronald Crystal of the NIH be recruited to head a new clinical research laboratory group at The Rockefeller University Hospital. As indicated in our earlier letter to you, we settled upon Dr. Crystal as our primary candidate after a prolonged, intensive and broad search; this included a thorough consideration of 3 inside candidates who utilize the CRC - Drs. Chiorazzi, Kreek and Lahita - as well as a large number of candidates from other institutions. We concluded that Dr. Crystal, in the quality and sophistication of his research; in the great stature he has achieved at a relatively young age; in the number of graduates from his laboratory who have already been appointed to high positions elsewhere; and in his demonstrated capacity to develop and lead a major group of basic and clinical scientists was uniquely qualified to head a new clinical research group at this institution. a It is our view that none of the 3 inside candidates we considered matched Dr. Crystal in these qualifications and that his accomplishments and potential exceeded these of most of the outside candidates as well. Three candidates apart from Dr. Crystal were included in our final “short” list (1 woman; 2 men), but Dr. Crystal is, for the reasons indicated in this and our earlier letter, our primary recommendation to you. Yours sincerely, . ce i Attallah Kappas, M.D. cc: Members, Hospital Search Committee