PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF 18 April 1986 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University Dear Josh: Thank you for your note of April 15th. I am glad you find Dr. Crystal a very appealing candidate. He is the formal and sole nominee of the Hospital Search Committee for an appointment to head a new clinical research laboratory and we urge that discussions with him move forward as quickly as possible. A strong expression of enthusiasm for him on your part will do much to advance his present willingness to consider a post here. His telephone number at the NIH is (301) 496~1597. Dr. Crystal's nomination is a separate matter from the issue of whether you would be willing to consider filling a second position for the Hospital, keeping in mind that at present we have only 4 senior M.D. faculty heading laboratory groups which conduct major programs of clinical investigation here (Breslow, Carter, Hirsch, Kappas). This is the smallest number of active clinical investigators that has staffed the Hospital in the nearly 20 years that I have been at the Rockefeller. It is upon this core group that the brunt of the responsibility for securing the Clinical Research Center grant falls; and upon which the maintenance of a serious clinical culture on this campus depends. It was with these considerations in mind that the Search Committee suggested that you consider making available another position, in addition to that for Dr. Crystal, in the Hospital; and if you were agreeable to this, then the Committee proposes that for this second post it focus on recruiting a clinical neuroscientist. If you do not see any possibility of making a second position available for the Hospital than I think the Committee should be informed of this at our meeting on May 6th and then be disbanded. In the meanwhile we have, after nearly 3 years of a broad and intensive search, come to the recommendation of Dr. Crystal, which was forwarded to you and which we hope will be acted upon as quickly as possible. If Dr. Crystal has accepted an offer from this University by the time of our Site Visit for the CRC application Dr. Joshua Lederberg 18 April 1986 -2- (Oct. 7th & 8th), that would constitute a great strengthening of our application. This renewal application faces serious problems, not only because of the austere times but also because we continue to have a shortage of active clinical investigators at this institution, as compared with our past staffing. We would be excessively sanguine in these circumstances to imagine that the NIH will continue the pattern of increased funding of this CRC which has characterized the period during which I have been responsible for this grant. Yours sincerely, UP Attallah Kappas, M.D.