K. GC. Atwood - bibliography Hinton, Taylor, and K. C. Atwood, 1941. Terminal Adhesions of Salivary Gland Chromosomes in Drosophila. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 27:11. Atwood, K. C., 1948. Radiation Induced Mutations in Microorganisms. Brookhaven Conf. Rep. BNL-C-4, Biological Applications of Nuclear Physics, Atwood, K. C., and A. Norman, 1949. On the Interpretation of Multi-Hit Survival Curves. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 35312. Atwood, K. C.,; Lillian K. Schneider and Francis J. Ryan, 1951. Per lodic Selection in Escherichia Coli. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 37:3. Atwood, K. C., Lillian K. Schneider and Francis BZ. Ryan, 1951. Selective Mechanisms in Bacteria. Cold Spring Harbor Symp., XVE. Atwood, K. C., and G. E. Stapleton, 1952. Lethal Mutations and the Bac- tericidal Action of Ionizing Radiation. Die Naturwiss., 14:330/31. Atwood, K. C., and Frank Mukai, 1955. Indispensable Gene Functions in Neurospora. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 39:10, Wolff, Sheldon, and K. C. Atwood, 1954. Independent X-ray Effects on Chromosome Breakage and Reunion. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 40:3. Atwood, K. C., 1954. Ultraviolet Effects on Neurospora Heterokaryons. Proc. lst Int. Photoblological Congr., Amsterdam, 1954, Atwood, K. C., and Frank Mukai, 1954. Survival and Mutation in Neurospora Exposed at Nuclear Detonations. The Amer. Nat., LXXXVIII:841. Atwood, K. C., 1954. Aberration Frequencies in Irradiated Populations. The Mmer. Nat., LXXXVIII:842. Atwood K. C., and Thad H. Pittenger, 1955. The Efficiency of Nuclear Mixing During Heterokaryon Formation in Neurospora Crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot., 42: e Pomper, Seymour, and K. C. Atwood, 1955, "Radiation Stufiies on Fungi.™ Radiation Biology, vol. II, Ed. A. Hollaender. Atwood, K. C., and Frank Mukai, 1955. Nuclear Distribution in Conidia of Neurospora Heterokaryons. Genetics, 40:4. Pittenger, T. H., A. W. Kimball and K. C. Atwood, 1955. Control of Nuclear Ratios in Neurospora Heterokaryons. Amer. Jour. Bot., 42:10. Pittenger, Thad H., and K. C. Atwood, 1956. Stability of Nuclear Propor- tions During Growth of Neurospora Heterokaryons. Genetics, 41:2. Atwood, K. C., R. C. von Borstel and A. R. Whiting, 1956. An Influence of Ploidy on the Time of Expression of Dominant Lethal Mutations in Habroe bracon. Genetics, 41:6,