CusZé , 7 eiMay, oO a 5/Rockefelle> THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 o ay y eS JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT May 23, 1980 The Honorable Thomas J. Cuite Majority Leader City Hall New York, NY. 10007 Dear Mr. Cuite: Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to visit The Rockefeller University a few months ago. Since our lunch provided only a brief opportunity to describe the institution's activities, perhaps you may be able to attend a special event scheduled on campus next month that would give you a more comprehensive picture of the character of our work. On the morning of Thursday, June 12, The Rockefeller University Council will be offering a program of scientific presentations on clinical investigations related to nutrition. The Council, which meets here once or twice each year, is a group of civic and corporate leaders whose concern and in- volvement have been a tremendous asset to this institution. “Speakers at the June session will include Professor emeritus Rene Dubos. Dr. Dubos, who has been affiliated with the University for fifty years, is well known for his many eloquent books on science and environment in addition to his outstanding accomplishments in microbiology. Dr. Dubos will be joined on the program by Drs. Attallah Kappas and Jules Hirsch, as well as three representatives of our junior faculty. Dr. Kappas and his associates in the Metabolism/Pharmacology laboratory are investigating the body's capacity to metabolize natural and foreign chemicals. One important facet of their current work focuses on the role of nutritional factors in this metabolic process. Dr. Hirsch, who directs the University's laboratory of Human Behavior and Metabolism, has made signficant contributions to our understanding of the phenomenon of obesity. ’ J 4 The Honorable Thomas J. Cuite May 23, 1980 Page Two The enclosed agenda gives further details on the meeting. The presentations will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will conclude at 1:00 p.m., when a reception and luncheon will be offered for all Council members and guests. It would be a great pleasure to have you join us on the 12th. I look forward to your response with the hope that we may see you here again soon. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg “ be: Fulvio Bardossi Rodney W. Nichols DO: route 6/12/80 RUC invitations file