(ney L em ee ee “y GOMER Tip, > UL-5 1979” Of. Sy Ce oF THe pres TEACHERS COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK,N.Y. 10027 XS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT duly 3, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: Thanks for the material on Stuyvesant. I've talkeqto one of my dectoral students, a recent alumna of Radcliffe, about the possibility of working on Stuyvesant and Townsend Harris, and she displayed cautious interest. I'11 continue to press on the issue and see if I can get an able person to give the topic some attention. I think it would be fascinating. I'll be in and out of Palo Alto this summer, though alas I shall be more on the East Coast than the West since I'm trying to finish a book. But it would be a delight to get together.