Sonata Van Cranston WN Street, N. H. Senaton Man Cuanston Mashinglon, 0.6. soage “ty Way 29 198) -* at May 27, 198] Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Joshua, I am so sorry you are unable to participate in the meeting of the FIBER Science Advisory Board on June 3. I wanted you to have the materials we sent out with invitations to a reception following the meeting for members of the Boars and for the research investigators who will be making presentations to the Board. The reception is at the home of Karen Fawcett, 2468 Belmont Road, N.W., Washington from 5:30 PM to 8 PM. I'm pleased that Secretary Schweiker and some of my colleagues from Capitol Hill will be among those present. This reception is intended to introduce the work of FIBER to interested citizens and officials in Washington. If your schedule would permit you to attend the reception, I'd be delighted to see you there. As you know, I helped form FIBER for the purpose of expediting and applying biomedical research that can have a profound impact, within our lifetime, on physical health, mental acuity and quality of life at every age. We are at the edge of a biomedical revolution, and FIBER, I believe, is the organization that can help to bring about the needed breakthroughs. Of course, you will receive all materials in connection with the Science Advisory Board meeting, including a rapporteur's summary. I appreciate your continued interest in FIBER. Corfially, an Cranston Not Printed or Mailed at Government Expense SE 1