Margh 1g, 1958 Dear Kims I know you must be enmired in your preparations for the two April meetings. I did want to remind you to send saewk back the preregistration card, or let me know, as best you can, your expected itinerary for Madison, Or should I make the simple assumption you will arrive sometime Monday (April 7) end leave Friday morning? After a series of rather unnecessary delays, occasioned by President Fred's impending retirement, Dean Bowers and I had a very satisfactory conference with Fred and with President-eject Elvehjem and we are back on track again, We all agreed we ought to get some other formalities out of the way (there could hardly be any doubt of your endossement by the faculty review committee which has to pase on any tenure appointment) during the next few weeks, so that we can talk turkey when we see one another next month. Bowers and Elvehjem, no less than myself, could not be more enthusiastic ebout the possibility of your joining our faculty, and it is just a pity thaty{ the discussions had to fall athwart +he of the change in administration. But this may have given you more time to think it oveb, and I do hope you will be able to give us an affirmative answer when you get our formal tender. We will have to movey fairly quickly then, because the bids are being let for the new laboratory quarters, end we want to see them equipped as closely as possible to the specifications of the users. eee DRA wid 1. Ran In an altogether separate project fran yourfa, the Departments of Genetics and Biochemistry are looking for a possible appointment in Biochemical , Genetics (properly speaking). We made a bid for Hershey, but he final decided that he was too permanently settled at Cold Spring Harbor. And in fact the administration and most of us would prefer to look at sone younger candidates. Have you any suggestions for someone who, like Hershey, couldstand on his om feet both in biochamistry and in genetics? Preferably sonelinterested in the nucleic acid end of biechemical genetics. Needless to seg your counsels would weigh heavily i; appointments of this sort. Unhap- pily, several members of the Genetics department will be retiring in four or five years, and we will soon have to look ahead to their replacement. FSi our plan is to arrive As ever Knoxville on Tuesdey April 1, m Delta flight 447. Fron there to Gatlinburg; we might rent 4 cars you've been td such meetings befpre-~do you think we'd have any use of one?