CKANST or, 4 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 JOSHUA LEDERBERG February 26, 1979 PRESIDENT The Honorable Alan Cranston United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Alan: I am sorry I was caught up in moving to my new post here just when you so thoughtfully sent me your letter of August 11, 1978 about the regulation of DNA research. I am glad to see that the tide of opinion has now turned against any hasty legislation that might needlessly multiply regulatory burdens. I have never doubted that NIH, FDA and EPA already had more than sufficient authority. The present mood seems to be "Sufficient unto the day..." , particularly in relation to many other really urgent problems. Nevertheless it was rather shabby of me not to have re- plied for so long. Besides the manifest headaches of this large a move (personal and social as well as professional), I had a surgical problem in my shoulder that has only just cleared up. . So I hope I can be more responsive in future to your thoughtful communications. You sincerely, ye [Et 6 Joshua Lederberg ew