Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: My name is Catherine Craig and I ama first year graduate student at Cornell Univeristy working with S.A.Levin. I am working towards a PhD in ecology. When I finish graduate school I hope to find a full time research position studying the ecology of tropical disease vectors. Because I will be approaching this field from a theoretical ecology program, I am hoping to find summer positions in disease ecology research as well as health care policy researdh for developing countries. Dr. David Hamburg suggested I write to you about the possibility of finding such a position at Rockefeller this summer. To give you a picture of me I will briefly outline my educational and professional experience. I received an A.B. in the Program in Human Biology from Stanford University. Through the Human Biology program I had the opportunity to study free-ranging chimpanzees at the Gombe Stream Research Center, Tanzania.(As aniaside, I have talked with you in the past; I took your Humanics course as an undergraduate: ) I entered graduate school in the Department of Zoology at Berkeley following my senior year at Stanford and planned to specialize in animal behavior and particularly that of non-human primates. While at Berkeley my interests changed from behavior to evolution and ecology as well as some aspects of applied biology. I earned a master's degree and left school to pursue my interests independently and decide on a specific area for further research. I spent 1976-1977 in Costa Rica doing work that included teaching, applied and basic research. In the fall I taught a field biology course to Costa Rican and American high school students. January-June 1977 1b worked as a free-lance cartographer for the Tropical Science Center and made a base. map of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve. In addition to working for TSC I initiated the research on orb-web weaving spiders that I am currently pursuing.: I returned to the United States in September 1977 and began working for Dr. H.W. Levi at the Museum of Comparative Zoology as a curatorial assistant in the Department of Invertebrates. spider My research involves a study of the dynamics of,prey capture and how differences in web structure "select" insects with different flight patterns. Although this study may seem a far cry from studies on the ecology of disease vectors, it is not. In particular, the skills I am developing, knowledge of mathematical modelling, background in basic mathematics, field and lab experience, are those I feel necessary for successin disease ecology research. My interest in tropical diseases was probably stimulated by experiences in Africa and Latin America. While at Harvard, I associated with Dick Lewontin's lab and as a result began to think more seriously about the value of ecological training to approach disease problems. @) fr Thani 6 bfeo Bre Ak flios € ttt s ? Sel CA T am planning to be in New York March 15-17. I would like to enw my aquaintence with you as well as discuss the possibility of a summer position at Rockefeller. Will you be available during those dates? If not I look forward to heartng from you. “Whe Catherine L. A