AErELLER UN) AD JUL - 5 1979 The New York Public Library ASTOR LENOX ANO TILDEN FOUNDATIONS Richard W. C President & Chiet Executive Officer Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street New York, New York 10018 July 2, 1979 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University York Avenue at 66th Street New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: When we had that pleasant luncheon at the University, now altogether too many weeks ago, one of the subjects you mentioned was whether or no there was an existent directory of research resources in the greater New York area. I have been indecently neglectful about this issue. There are two possible sources of bibliography. The Columbia Library School has on occasion put out a compendium of research resources. In- a quiries could be made to the Dean of the School of Library Sciences at Columbia, Richard Darling. Then, New York State has an interesting library structure. It has nine reference research and resource centers, the one,in the metropolitan area being known as METRO. METRO, on occasion, has put out bibliographical data on research resources. The current Executive Director of METRO is Forrest Carhart, his mailing address is 33 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036. I hope you have a very pleasant summer indeed. Sincerely, RWC :mec Dictated 6/26/79