phon January 19, 1958 Dear Kim: I sheuld have written you before this, but I was putting it of f till i had more definite to say, Much to my regret, the matter of your aprointment, having been most enthusiastically Mm forwarded by the Dean, was stalled in the President's office, and did not go through in my absence as I had predicted and hored, It ie on the way to being unstuck now, with nothing lost particularly exes: 4. some few months and possibly some patience of beth of us, Needless to aay, if anything comes up with regard to your require-mts and predilections please let me know @s soon as possible, You will, of course, have more to go oa when the formal offer comea through, I need hardly tell you that every geneticist here would welcome you with warmth and appreciation; to their munber, I can tell you that Dean Bovers is now completely sold. However, since Fregident Fred is due to retire ina fer monthe, he haa tended to procrastinate on appointments, which is not entirely unreasonable, and his office vas persuaded to hold this one off until I had gotten back. I didn't really kmow this till about six weeks ago. * You will get some more deteile on the symposium soon; meanvhile, I enclose the ‘official program', All the best to Barbee and the minor Atwoods, As ever,