SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ; STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JosePH D. Graxt PROFESSOR OF GENETICS February 3, 1978 Theodore. Cooper,-M.D. Dean Cornell University Medical College 1300 York Avenue New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Dr. Cooper: Thank you for your letter of January 23rd. I had exactly the same kind of agenda on a couple of occasions when I tried to reach you on very short notice. There are so many things that are complementary and would be of deep mutual interest and benefit that I certainly do look forward to many unhurried and substantive discussions at both an institutional and a personal level. If I do not catch you more briefly, during one of my flybys before then, I certainly will be seeking you after I definitively move on September 1. Meanwhile, I wonder if I could trouble you to send me copies of reports and publications of the Medical College. I have in mind items like the general catalog, the electives, the graduate programs and similar materials that might help to brief me about the academic clinical and investigative programs of the college. ® a JL:ek-£ Le Yours sincerely, © Hedge