The Rockefeller University Press 1230 York Avenue, : New York, New York 10021-6399 (212) §70-8568 ‘ 2 April 1986 Dear Dr. Cooper: The preliminary material for your proposed book, "The Continuum Model," has now been reviewed. | regret that our decision is that it is not appropriate for our publishing program at this time. _ | would, however, like to share with you some of the re- viewers' enthusiasms and concerns in the event that they may Prove helpful to you. Although sympathetic to the "heuristic values of the continuum model of the cell cycle" and the fact that "the theory has been com- peting in popularity with other theories of the cell cycle," the re- viewers did have reservations. One pointed out that the halflife of many of these theories is fleeting at best and therefore, "no matter how good, and how promising it is," argues against a book-length treatment of the material. Another reviewer noted that "good re- view of the bacterial cell cycle is available and another distillation is unneeded. Information on mammalian cells is so uninformative - as to be unworthy of review at this time; while there are a tremen- dous number of experimental observations, there is no body infor- mation worthy of review." The consensus seems to be that if you wish "to take issue with the 'Gi-event model for eukaryotes,' it would be more effective asa review article in a scientific journal. "1 would read and recommend a pithy, concise article because | think the author's philosophic out- look is correct." Dr. Cooper 1 April 1986 Again, thank you for submitting your proposal to us. We hope you will be successful in finding a suitable publisher. Sincerely yours, Aactiug Hund bar, a BH/iv \Ms. Bradley Hundley CY Director “= Dr. Stephen Cooper The University of Michigan Medical School Department of Microbiology /Immunology 6643 Medical Science Building 11 Ann Arbor, MI 48109