THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 February 24, 1981 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Professor Orio Ciferri Instituto de Microbiologia E Fisiologia Vegetale Universita de Pavia Via Sant'Epifanio, 14 27100 Pavia Italy Dear Orio: I was delighted to hear of your program for the "dot- torato di ricerca". The Rockefeller University would be delighted to enter- tain proposals for candidates from Pavia and your associates to work in our laboratories. In the fields of genetics and molecular biology there are of course numerous opportunities here. When you have specific candidates to propose, please send me the appropriate information; and we will be sure that the appropriate laboratory directors here are consulted. a Under separate cover you will receive our most recent directory of research interests. With warm best wishes. Yours sincerely, ยง - Joshua Lederberg cc: Acting Dean C. Connelly JSffP wale me 2f5/9/