Pavia, January 20, 1981 ISTITUTO DI MICROBIOLOGIA E FISIOLOGIA VEGETALE UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Prof. J. LEDERBERG VIA SANT’EPIFANIO, 14 The Rockefeller University 27100 PAVIA (Italy) 1230 York Avenue voce cemee NEW YORK, NY 10021 U.S.A. Dear Josh, Finally we have in Italy something that looks like a Ph.D. degree. The new law on the re-organization of University studies has established courses leading to a "dottorato di ricerca". This is a title that a student may get after he has received the italian doctorate (= laurea). In order to be awarded a "dottorato di ricerca", a student, after his “laurea", has to spend 3 to 5 years in a University department attending special courses and pursuing his own research project. We are trying to organize a "dottorato di ricerca" in genetics and molecular biology that will be awarded jointly by our groups at Pavia, and, probably, that of Magni in Milano and of Polsinelli in Florence. Since there is the possibility of students spending a considerable period of time abroad associat- ed with foreign research institutions that have links with those awarding the "dottorato di ricerca", we were wondering whether it would be possible for us to say that we have links with Stanford and the Rockefeller. Thus some of our students could do part of their research work in one of these two institutions. There should be no financial burden on your side as all these students will be supported by Government fellowships. If you think that the idea is acceptable, could you please send me a letter stating that, in view of our previous scientific ties, the Rockefeller is willing to consider the possibility that students for a "dottorato di ricerca in genetica e biologia molecolare’ spend periods of time in its laboratories. As I said, this is not going to bind you at all since you will have the final word on selecting candidates for a stay at Rockefeller. I hope that I have not confused you too much. The family joins me in sending our warmest regards to all of you. Many thanks and ciao. Yours, Ct: fe Daty