6 Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 > May 6, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Nam-Hai Chua The Rockefeller University Dear Dr. Chua: I think that my good friend Orio Ciferri from Pavia May already have written you but he called and asked me to confirm it. He will be visiting the Rockefeller campus on Monday, June 16th and if it is convenient for you I hope you will reserve some time for him. If you've not met him before, I can tell you that he is a very in- teresting and lively person and I am sure that there will be a good deal of common scientific interest for you to discuss. Yours sincerely, ) fOwW Jpshua, Lederberg