SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, GALIFORNIA 94305 June 2, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JosePH D. GRANT PROFESSOR OF GENETICS l Prof. Orio Ciferri Instituto de Microbiologia E Fisiologia Vegetale Universita di Pavia Via Sant'Epifanio, 14 27100 Pavia ITALY Dear Orio: Eric Shooter has reminded me that I may have been remiss in keeping you up to date about the rapidly changing situation of programs as between New York and Palo Alto. Until a.short while ago, I thought it would be highly likely that Dennis Smith could be moving with me to continue the applications of GC/MS in a clinical context as well as for some environmental health problems. However, he has now firmly decided to remain at Stanford but in a role where he will revert back to more computer oriented and theoretical work rather than analytical laboratory investigations. I am afraid that leaves the particular programs that we had discussed collaborations about very much up in the air and I am at a loss to know what more constructive information I can give you at the present time. The immediate situation is that I will be staying in California until the end of August although I officially take office on the first of July. I will be commuting fairly regularly in the interval but can usually be found here at Stanford until then. I just do not foresee any concrete way in which I will be personally involved in any of these biochemical studies at least for a number of months after my arrival. Thereafter I will be looking into what can be organized and may have more to report. I would certainly be sorry if we could not find some credible opportunity to continue our personal association on matters of scientific substance but it looks as if this will have to be deferred for some time in the light of the move in my location and situation. In these circumstances I really would like to encourage Eric and yourself to pursue any alternative option that suits either of you. I am sure you will also be in touch with Luca about any further discussions you may have. There will be some fairly deep-seated reorganization of space and equipment around the genetics department during the next few months. In all likelihood the GC/MS computer system will be packed ‘Page 2 Ciferri 6-2-78 up and sent to Rockefeller as there is no very promising opportunity for using it here and I am confident that this will reemerge, even without Dennis, at Rockefeller University in the course of time. Stanley Cohen will be succeeding me next month as the chairman of the department and I am sure that you agree that that is a very strong appointment indeed. So, I am afraid that just leaves us up in the air for the time being. If I have left out mention of anything further useful that I can do please let me know. Yours with all best wishes, as always, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics JL/gel