SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD. CALIFORNIA 94505 JOSHUA LEDERBERG JOSEPH D. GRant PROFESSOR February 2, 1978 OF GENETICS Professor Orio Ciferri Instituto de Microbiologia E Fisiologia Vegetale Universita di Pavia Via Sant'Epifanio, 14 27100 Pavia Italy Dear Orio: You will understand from the enclosed clipping why I did not immediately respond to your letter of January 3rd. It is still difficult to define just what the situation will be, but it looks, unfortunately, as if there really is no practical base for continuing the GC/MS work here at Stanford beyond this fall or thereabouts. On the other hand we are looking for ways that might make it possible to transfer a good bit of that activity to The Rockefeller University in New York. Perhaps that will give the opportunity to build still another bridge, or at least a stepping stone between Pavia and Stanford. Luca will also be writing to you and as soon as we can we will be trying to work out other possible alternatives there may be and stay in touch with you. a I don't know how many 'blitz’ trips you think I take to Europe: they have not been that frequent, although since it will now cost less to fly from New York across the Atlantic than it does to San Francisco we may even think of doing our skiing in your back door. Anyhow, I certainly hope there will be some way or another that we can meet more frequently and we all have the best wishes for you and Paola. Yours sincerely, Enclosure fj