XXXXX 497~5801 September 27, 1974 Dr. Orio Ciférri __ Iatituto di Genetica Universita di Pavia 27100 Pavia, Italy Dear Orio, Do you remember the paper on Ribonucleic Acid=permeable Mutant of Escherichia coli" by M. Yamamoto et al., J. Mol. Biol. 38:103, 19712 We were discussing some work in the lab on these strains mainly to see whether it had any advantages for transfection with DNA but it does not. But that reminded me to ask you whether you thought {ft might be worth reviewing some of the experiments with synthetic polynucleotides on this kind of a strain. The purpose is obviously to lay the groundwork for the transcription of still more interesting messengers. One way to do that would be if you could proceed with the plan to visit our lab. We are funded well enough that I am sure that we could Manage it any time between now and next summer. But starting in July I hope that Vittorio may be coming back over, and if this is the case, then I think we should be careful about not exhausting our funds at one time and leaving others unused at another. So, what are your latest thoughts on these questions? Everything is going very well at home and'being a father is much more fun than I had expected it to be, Perhaps that is partly because Anne ia undoubtedly the most beautiful baby in the world. I know you will not believe that but you will have to come and see for yourself, All best wishes, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr