JAN < B 1974 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA Pavia, January 16, 1974 UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Telefoni: 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia VIA SANT’EPIFANIO, 14 27100 PAVIA (Italy) Prof. J. LEDERBERG Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Department of Genetics STANFORD — Cal. 94305 Dear Josh, Many thanks for the copy of the letter concerning the Stanford-Pavia exchange program, The C.N.R. is proces sing, very slowly of course, our application. The unof ficial opinion is that the changes that the grant will be renewed are good. However, the economic situation of the country as well as the financial state of C.N.R. are such that we may be only very moderately optimistic. In any case, I think that we may have still enough money here for travelling support. So, if and when you'll give me the green light, I shall start to make some plans, I am going through a group of reprints of yours that I have just received, I still enjoy very much your pro- posals or projects concerning the detection of life on other planets but I wonder if the zoo-keepers (see Icarus 19, 347) would let the animals realize that there is some thing else beyond the cage and the park's fence eeoooje Wouldn't that alter dramatically the mind and the behav- ior of the zoo-reared animals? (The Murchinson and other meteorites arrived here most probably for a slip of the security system), I hope that all of you are well. Best regards. Yours sincerely, dao Orio Ciferri