JUL 5 1972 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA June 26, 1972 UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA ¢ VIA SANT’EPIFANIO, 14 27100 PAVIA Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford — Calif. 94305 Dear Josh, As Luca has probably told you, the possibility of coming to Stanford for six months has not materialized this year. However I would like very much to come, let's say for one month, in the fall. This, of course if you see any advantage in me being there for such a short period of time. We have done some work on chlorine and it may be worthwhile "to compare notes", - Pavia The C.N.R. has approved the renewal of the Stanford-Pavia project. How long it will take before the file goes through all the bureaucratic steps, it is anybody's guess. I hope that Marguerite, David and you are fine. I am looking forward to seeing you in Stanford. f 12, s Your Sincerely, Ws Telefoni: 31.036-7; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica Quo mDear Orio-- I am sorry to take so long to answer this. We have had numerous troubles on the renewal of the exchange program at this end. However, regardless of that I can certainly support a salary for a month for you here, and would be very glad to see you again, i.a., to mop up the chlorine stuff. However, you will have to get the travel support from your side, as before; let me know if I must write any formalities on that. Yours, A