March 23, 1971 Dr. Orio Ciferri Istituto di Genetica Universita di Pavia Via Sant*Epifanio, 14 27100 Pavia, ITALY Dear Orio, I do not know where I get the bad habit of promptiy answering letters but there is a kind of last in first out phenomenon. All to the better I hope! We would be delighted to have you here for three months just to help us on the general reorientation of our own work, if you would like to do that between September 15 to December 15. I think there will be plenty of things that you could just come right in on, and you might also have a chance to learn some more about some other techniques, for example, mass spectrometry, if you wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. I am sorry to see the depth of your depression about the universal anomie. Perhaps seeing the same phenomenon in the California sunshine will make you feel better about it! By way of salary I think we can offer you a flat $5,000 for a period of three full months. This will, of course, be subject to income tax, You'll have to take care of your travel expense from Italy from your local side of the exchange agreement funds. I think all of this will have been already within mutual understanding. As to the requests for reprints I suggest that you have your secretary type up labels, preferably on pressure sensitive labels, but if this is not convenient just directly on single sheets of paper that we then cen cut up. We discovered that we had a few hundred reprints having overlooked them for the last few months. I left instructions to send you an aliquot but the matter was somehow confused. Let us see how many requests have to be filled before we ship any of the actual stuff off. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr 'G''aaast'D