warig wT . ona” ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Telefoni: 21.036-7; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica - Pavia VIA SANT’EPIFANIO, 14 27100 - PAVIA | MaieGh, 15th, 1971 Dear Josh, Marto has told me that you have mentioned to Luca the possibility that I come to Stanford this year.The idea seems great but it is impossible for me to come for more than 2-3 months.In order to stay away for a longer period of time I should get an official leave from the Univeristy.Such a leave should be approved by the Faculty and right now it appears unfeasible. As I am teaching the second semester and I have to attend a sympo- sium in Hungary during the first half of September,I am wondering if the period September 15th-December 15th would be convenient for you.Unfortunately the stay will be too short to do much work and financially it will be impossible to take the family with me. I don't know if you have already some idea about the work.As far as I Wam concerned,I am inw a period of considerable confusion and I am planning to change my line of research.As yet I have not made up my mind but I am convinced that in a few thonths it will be impossible to do any wprk requiring a laboratory.The type of work that I have been doing up to now depended to some extent on the activity of other people(younger scientists,technicians etc.)and it will be impossible to get this help in a very near future.Alienation is the prevailing mood in Pavia and elsewhere.For all these reasons too I wpuld wel- come more than ever the opportunity to come to Stanford but I am not so sure that I may be of much help in the lab. Let me hear from you.Best regards Ono P.S.I have a number of requets for the paper in J.Bact. v. 104, » Shall I send them to you?