June 21, 1968 Dr. Orio Ciferri Istituto di Genetica Via Sant 'Epifanio, 14 Pavia, Italy Dear Orio: I have no intention of disposing of your bachelor gift, but I also will not include it in the family library. In any case, please don't worry about its being misunderstood. If you can come for even just two months we would be very happy to have you here, and the main question may be whether the funds at Pavia can finance your trip. Under the terms of our agreement U.S. funds are used for your expenses while at Stanford, including your salary, but the Italian side is supposed to pay for your travel. I think it would be a very fruit- ful time for you to be here, but you will just have to take this up with Luca. The alternative might be, of course, to wait until you do have a little longer time that you can spend. All is well, and we thank you for your good wishes. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics