March 11, 1968 Dr. Orio Ciferri Istituto di Genetica Via Sant 'Bpifanio, 14 Pavia, Italy Dear Orio: I trust you have talked to Luca since writing your letter, and that you have a more positive view about the prospects of coming here during this year. We have not yet had final weed from Herman Lewis, but every indi- cation is that we will be able to proceed with our exchange program, I will be in touch with you again very soon, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. Do you remember Marguerite Kirsch? A great deal has passed since you were here. Anyhow, any rumors you might now hear (or invent) are probably true-- at least if they are happy and constructive. We will be making a public announcement within a couple of wekke.