Auth Tangy > September 5, 1967 ISTITUTO DI GENETICA UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA Tel. 23.029; 29.038 - Indirizzo telegrafico: Istgenetica -— Pavia VIA SANT’ EPIFANIO, 14 27100 pavia Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Medical School Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I have gone trough all the data on TLD that I had or that Sergio has sent me. It is not very easy, at least for me, to understand some experiments without discussing the pros and the cons. However, I am enclos- ing an outline of the experiments that could be discussed in a paper on the effect of try analogs on TLD. The only experiment that is still necessary (but I am sure that Sergio has done it or is considering to do) is one showing @ normal polysomal profile in cells that are not under- going TLD for the presence of 50HT: or 5MET. If you agree on such an outline, I could write up a draft of the paper in a couple of weeks. You are probably aware of a paper on the uptake of poly-U by "soniplasts" of E. coli and a "specific" stimulation of phenylalanine incorporation (J. Bact. 94, 232). The evidence seems to me rather unconvincing but emphasizes the need to round up our data. I think that Sergio has in mind to check the uptake of poly-U by EDTA-treated cells. This is something that I wanted to do but never did, 26 We have got a majority in the "commissione" for the competition so that I have good hopes to be "ternato" sometimes in November or December. Whatever will be the outcome, I am quite ready to start making plans for a second stay in Palo Alto. What about a period of 4-6 months beginning next summer? Or do you think that I should wait for the approval of the Pavia-Stanford project? We have a vague recollection that you hinted a possible visit to Europe this fall. Is it true? Qnio Best regards. (Myas(D