i Please aidress reply to th Genetics Buliding July 14, 1957 Dr. Ronald E. Scantlebury Division of Research Fellowships National Institutes of Health Bethesda 14, Maryland Dear Dr. Scantlebury: The recently established Department of Medical Genetics is con- templating the expansion of ite research activities by adding another member to ite staff. The candidate is being reviewed at ths prasent time fdr his qualifications for the academic rank of Adeoclate Pro- fessor, and Dean Bowers has offered informal assurances that he could in due sourss be pald from regular institutional funds. Unfortunately, the university's budget for this year will not be able to accomodate the candidate's appointment. I am writing to ask whether the Senior Research Fellowships prograg is available for such purposes, namely for the partial or complete support of a research ap- pointee, aver a period of a few years with the understanding that he would be shifted to institutional funds. We are planning to submit a similar application to another source, but have not yet done ao. May i ask also whether such an application can be eubmitted by the medical school on behalf of the candidate (to be named, of course§ so that our formal approach to him can be made on the basis of funds then available (if awarded) rather than to be applied for 7? If there are no policy obfections to an application in this form, I would appreciate your sending eny necessary application forme, or other directions, so that we may return full particulars. As I am leaving for an extended trip on August 1, I would be especially grateful for an early reply. Yours sincerely, | / / / prbtcsasuédetobeg * ‘ ’ Professor and Cha. Dept. Medical Genétics