THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR August 26, 1998 Mary, Barbara - are you there? Harsun he , | mail you xerocopy example of my data card set. I don’t recall whether I had long since sent Barbara a xeropy version of the full set of cards. Their special value is the annotations on the back which gives a synopsis of descendants; the front gives the parents. So they help a lot in interpreting pedigrees. I had not wanted to turn in the card set, because I felt they were almost un-interpretable by anyone but myself. But even the latter may be optimistic now. The keysort feature turned out to be unworkable. Ahead of its time (computerwise). As I am in midst of a major archival project (see below), I need to plan final disposition. Perhaps simplest if I ask you to summarize what you have frem me by way of comprehensive data sets. Not pedigree lineages, those are interspersed in my correspondence with Barbara. We'll then figure out the most productive repository. he has a copy of the stocklist notebook.