July 2, 1987 Dear Kim and Barbee: Hail the weary warriors. I'd have written you both sooner, but thare waa little more to say but congratulations —-and especiaiiy to you Barbee for what mist have needed reeovroefulness ant stamine. We hope c)1 is going wel.) with you. Kim— that was a nice meus you didn't forestall oon the timing of the symnosia. but 1% has all worked out vefy well indeed, which is something of a wonder with all the principais maiering cround the world. Looking at the program I am beginning to develop some enthusiasm for it myself! The wheels are turning on your appointment, anc there are no perticular ob- stacles in sight. However, «4 good any psopls have to pasa on the details of a major step like this, and it 1a hard to reach all of them quickly during the suomer, However, there is no one who is nob wore shan enthusiastic about you, enough so that your proposal for « 9-month eppointnment will probably be accepted ag an inevitable condition. It 49 a little hard to be sure of the timing, but I hops that by October 1, it will be possible to make a formal tender to you. If you were intent on spen- ding next summer at Woods Hole, this might mean you would best not begin here until] September 1958. However, if you can see any possibility of moving in the spring or sooaer, am nould have any preference for it, please let me know as it hes a bearing on the financing that has to be arrangec. Until I hear from you to the contrary, I willjasaume that 9,/58 holds. (For gy own part, the sooner the better, but you had indicated you wanted a very reasonable ¢months inter- val, ami would 1t then be worthwhile for you to plan on 4 move April 17) It is too bad I will be away &fter August 1, but Deen Rowers is now thoroughly sold on the project, and will carry the bali very affeec tively. I would be pleased to hear from you before I leave, but will also be quite accessible at the addresses given. Excapt for emergency, the Sydney address will be pergaps the most reliable for August, and Melbourne thereafter. With ail the best,