Y The 5 Rockefeller\ THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University K 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021 “dy —— a THE PRESIDENT D> September 21, 1978 Dr. George J. Brewer Professor, Human Genetics and Internal Medicine The University of Michigan Medical Center 1137 E. Catherine Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Dear Dr. Brewer: ' I was very glad to have your letter of September 12th and its report of the ASHG Committee. I regret that I will not be able to join you at Vancouver; but I hope that if you have some occasion to visit New York in the next few months, then we might have a more per- sonal chat about the issues you raise. The figures you collected and your summary of them were cogent and instructive; and incidentally coincide with my own intuitions. Each discipline that is facing hard times has trouble accepting how widespread the phenomenon is. Complicating the stagnation and decline in overall support has been our own self-generated ex- pansion of research capacity so that each of us is, in a very real sense, the victim of our own and our stu- dents' success. Your concerns were very properly focused on the parlous status of clinical research. Besides the dis-~ incentives which have been accumulating during the past decade the social system seems to pile on enormous in- centives to medical specialty careers, with which it is very difficult to compete in the construction of academic career lines. Anyhow, I would welcome your advice on the con- structive steps that could be taken on an institutional as well as national basis in trying to meet that problem. Dr. George J. Brewer September 21, 1978 -2- Finally, if you have not already done so, you would I think find it useful to be in touch with Ms. Sarah Brown at the Institute of Medicine with re- spect to the Institute's survey of the clinical re- search problem. Yours Sincerely, CO oshua Lederberg